
[19 papers in peer-reviewed journals, 1 Invited chapter in book

According to Google Scholar (October 1, 2023), my work has been cited 692 times and my h-index is 12.

* Corresponding author. # Equal contribution.

[In Review]

Morales AE #, Dong Y #, Brown T, Baid K, Kontopoulos DG, Gonzalez V, Huang Z, Ahmed AW, Hilgers L, Winkler S, Hughes G, Li X, Kirilenko BM, Devanna P, Lama TM, Nissan Y, Pippel M, Dávalos LM, Vernes SC, Puechmaille SJ, Rossiter SJ, Yossi Y, Prescott JB, Kurth A, Ray DA, Lim BK, Myers E, Teeling EC, Banerjee A, Irving AT, Hiller M. Reference-quality bat genomes illuminate adaptations to viral tolerance and disease resistance.

Morales AE, Burbrink FT, Segall M, Meza M, Munegowda C, Webala P, Patterson B, Thong VD, Ruedi M, Hiller M, Simmons NB. Convergent evolution of bat ecomorphs involves changes in genes with similar functions but not always the same genes.


19. Amaral IS, Bandeira Pereira J, Vancine MH, Morales AE, Althoff SL, Gregorin R, Pereira MJR, Valiati VH, Rosa de Oliveira L (2023) Where do they live? Predictive geographic distribution of Tadarida brasiliensis brasiliensis (Chiroptera, Molossidae) in South America. Neotropical Biology and Conservation. 18(3):139-156.

18. Déjosez M, Marin A #, Hughes GM #, Morales AE #, Godoy-Parejo C, Gray J, Qin Y, Singh  A, Xu H, Juste J, Ibáñez C, White KM, Rosales R, Francoeur NJ, Sebra RP, Alcock D, Puechmaille SJ, Pastusiak A, Frost  DW, Hiller M, Young RA, Teeling EC, Garcia-Sastre A, Zwaka TP. (2023) Bat pluripotent stem cells reveal unique entanglement between host and viruses. Cell. 86(5):957-974.e28.

17. Kirilenko BM, Munegowda C, Osipova E, Jebb D, Sharma V, Blumer M, Morales AE, Ahmed AW, Hilgers L, Zoonomia Consortium, Hiller M. (2023) Integrating gene annotation with orthology inference at scale. Science. 380: eabn3107.

16. Vernes SJ, Devanna P, Gareth JH, Alvarez van Tussenbroek I, Firzlaff U, Hagoort P, Hiller M, Hoeksema N, Hughes GM, Lavrichenko K, Mengede J, Morales AE, Wiesmann M (2022) The Pale Spear-nosed Bat – a neuromolecular and transgenic model for vocal learning. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

15. Blumer M, Brown T, Freitas MB, Destro AL, Oliveira JA, Morales AE, Schell T, Greve C, Pippel M, Jebb D, Hecker N, Ahmed A, Kirilenko B, Janke A, Lim B, Hiller M. (2022) Gene losses in the common vampire bat genome illuminate molecular adaptations to blood feeding. Science Advances. 8(12):eabm6494.

14. Morales AE*, Fenton MB, Carstens BC, Simmons NB (2021) Comment on “Population genetics reveal Myotis keenii (Keen’s myotis) and Myotis evotis (long-eared myotis) to be a single species”. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 99: 415-422.

13. NB Simmons, J Flanders, EMB Fils, G Parker, JD Suter, S Bamba, Douno M, Keita MK, Morales AE, Frick WF (2021) A new dichromatic species of Myotis (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from the Nimba Mountains, Guinea. American Museum Novitates. 3963: 1-40. 

12. Morales AE*, Ruedi M, Field K, Carstens (2019) Diversification rates have no effect on the convergent evolution of foraging strategies in the most species-rich genus of bats, Myotis. Evolution. 73:2263–2280.

11. Mays H, Oehler D, Morrison K, Morales A, Lycans A, …, Weakley L. (2019) Phylogeography, population structure, gene flow and species delimitation in Rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome and Eudyptes moseleyi). Journal of Heredityesz051,

10. Denton RD, Morales AE, Gibbs HL (2018) Genome-specific histories of introgression into a polyploid unisexual salamander lineage as revealed using ultraconserved genetic elements. Evolution.  72:1689–1700 [Impact Factor=4.201] Press coverage

9. Carstens BC, Morales AE, Field K, Pelletier TA (2018) A global analysis of bats using automated comparative phylogeography uncovers a surprising impact of Pleistocene glaciation. Journal of Biogeography. 45:1795–1805 [Impact Factor=4.248]

8. Morales AE*, De-la-Mora M, Piñero D (2018) Space and environment predict skull variation and genetic structure in the cosmopolitan bat Tadarida brasiliensis. Journal of Biogeography. 45:1529–1540 [Impact Factor=4.248]

7. Morales AE*, Carstens BC (2018) Evidence that Myotis lucifugus ‘subspecies’ are five non-sister species, despite gene flow. Systematic Biology. 67:756–769. [Impact Factor=8.917]

6. Carstens BC, Morales AE, Jackson N, O’Meara BC (2017) Objective choice of Phylogeographic Models. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 116:136–140 [Impact Factor=4.419]

5. Jackson N, Morales AE, Carstens BC, O’Meara BC (2017) PHRAPL: Phylogeographic Inference using Approximate likelihoods. Systematic Biology. 66:1045–1053. [Impact Factor=8.917]

4. Jackson N, Carstens BC, Morales AE, O’Meara BC (2017) Species delimitation with gene flow. Systematic Biology. 66:799–812. [Impact Factor=8.917]

3. Morales AE, Jackson N, Dewey T, O’Meara BC, Carstens BC (2017) Speciation with gene flow in North American Myotis bats. Systematic Biology. 66:440­–452. [Impact Factor=8.917]

2. Morales A*, Villalobos F, Velazco PM, Simmons NB, Piñero D (2016) Environmental niche drives genetic and morphometric structure in a widespread bat. Journal of Biogeography. 43:1057–1068. [Impact Factor=4.248]

1. Garrick RC, Bonatelli IAS, Hyseni C, Morales A, Pelletier TA, Perez MF, Rice E, Satler JD, Symula RE, Thomé MTC, Carstens BC (2015) The evolution of phylogeographic datasets. Molecular Ecology. 24:1164-1171. [Impact Factor=6.086]

 [Chapters in books]

1.Vasquez Lobo A, Morales Garcia AE (2014) Microsatélites. Herramientas moleculares aplicadas en ecología (ed. Cornejo Romero A, Serrato Díaz A, Rendón Aguilar B & Rocha Munive MG), pp. 75-100. INECC-SEMARNAT, Mexico. ISBN: 978-607-8246-72-4 586* 611