I am an Evolutionary Biologist. I study how biological diversity is generated and the mechanisms that promote repeated adaptations. To document and describe biodiversity, I aim to identify genomic regions linked to unique and reappearing traits. Mammals, especially bats, are my model system, and I also collaborate on projects to address evolutionary questions from a genomic and morphometric perspective in other remarkable organisms.

cations for disease resistance and human health. 

In this website you will find information about my research interests, projects and academic background.

Highlights – Manuscripts you should check out

  • September 2024:
  • August 2024: Paper on the genomic basis of convergent evolution of Myotis bat ecomorphs out in MBE! 😉
  • July 2024: Our symposium “Convergent Evolution in Natural Experiments” was a success, and we had amazing guests! Watch the recordings here & here (YouTube channel from the 3rd Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology in Montreal, Canada)
  • May 2024: GBatNet meeting in Houston, USA – representing BigBatDB working group.
  • April 2024: Bat immunity ms resubmitted (preprint not updated yet).
  • March 2024:  Talk at Uni Trier, Germany.
  • March 2024:  Talk at AMNH in NYC, USA.
  • March 2024: Convergent evolution ms resubmitted!
  • November 2023: Symposium proposal accepted for the 3rd Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology in Montreal, Canada – Watch out for “Convergent Evolution in Natural Experiments